
2022: The Year in Review

2022: The Year in Review

2022 was a year like no other. Through resilience and perseverance, Mobile reCell was able to overcome obstacles that came our way while working toward achieving our goals. In this article, we highlight a few of our accomplishments from this past year.

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Global Reporting Initiative Standards

Global Reporting Initiative Standards

By adopting a sustainability reporting framework, your organization can better understand its impacts on the economy, environment, and society while minimizing risks and taking action toward becoming a trusted organization. Learn more about GRI and the benefits of adopting a sustainability reporting framework.

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Why Companies Should Upgrade IT Assets

Why Companies Should Upgrade IT Assets

There are many reasons why companies choose to refresh their mobile assets, but some of the most common reasons include: increasing IT asset security, reducing the demands on IT support, and improving end user productivity.

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What is IT Asset Recovery?

What is IT Asset Recovery?

The strategic process of reclaiming those corporate-owned assets is known as asset recovery. We will discuss how asset recovery is defined, what makes asset recovery important, and what a company can do with its assets once they’re recovered.

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A More Sustainable Solution for Disposing of E-Waste

A More Sustainable Solution for Disposing of E-Waste

Although recycling in America dates back to the Revolutionary War, it has become an international effort to combat pollution and massive amounts of waste. Waste dominates our landfills, with e-waste and toxic waste being the most harmful. E-waste consists of discarded...

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Responsible Recycling (R2) Certification

Responsible Recycling (R2) Certification

What is it, and Why is it important? Responsibly recycling and reusing mobile devices. 53.6 million tons of electronic waste were discarded by the world in 2019.⁸ Only 17.4% of that e-waste was recycled or reused.⁸ As electronic waste increasingly becomes a...

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ISO Certification

ISO Certification

When an organization follows ISO standards, it proves it is committed to achieving its goals while delivering the best customer experience possible.

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Cryptographic Wipe

Cryptographic Wipe

What is it, and why is it important? A faster, unique method to handle device data. In 2019, only 4% of data breaches involved data protected by encryption.⁵ When considering how to handle your company’s mobile device data, encryption is a favored and effective method...

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