


The e-Stewards Standard provides visibility into the management and movement of retired IT assets, and is the most recommended standard for the recycling and reuse of retired electronics. Learn more about e-Stewards and the benefits of working with e-Stewards certified vendors.

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2023 Sustainable Technology Trends

2023 Sustainable Technology Trends

CIOs and tech leaders will advance sustainable technology and ESG initiatives in 2023 due to financial benefits, new environmental regulations, and pressure from consumers and investors. It’s predicted that by 2025, 75% of executives will be responsible for sustainable technology outcomes.

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8 Types of Data on the Average Company-Owned IT Asset

8 Types of Data on the Average Company-Owned IT Asset

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies have moved to a hybrid work environment, issuing employees mobile devices to work remotely. With more employees using company-owned mobile devices to access company data, organizations must strengthen their data security initiatives.

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Top 8 Threats to Mobile Device Security

Top 8 Threats to Mobile Device Security

Mobile IT assets are frequently overlooked and excluded from security conversations, yet they store just as much sensitive information as laptops and desktops. Learn about the eight primary threats to mobile device security in enterprises.

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DevSecOps: 7 Core Development Principles Mobile reCell Follows

DevSecOps: 7 Core Development Principles Mobile reCell Follows

DevSecOps identifies and resolves security issues as they arise by integrating aspects of development, security processes, and operations into each phase of the software development lifecycle, including initial design, integration, testing, deployment, and delivery. DevSecOps ensures security is at the forefront of software delivery.

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SOC 2 Type 2

SOC 2 Type 2

A clean SOC 2 Type 2 report assures your IT team and business leaders that third-party service providers—like Mobile reCell—have adequate security controls in place around infrastructure, software, people, and processes to protect the privacy of your company’s sensitive data.

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7 Black Leaders Defining Tech Through Innovation

7 Black Leaders Defining Tech Through Innovation

African Americans innovators have made countless valuable contributions and discoveries over the years that have helped advance technology and define the tech industry as we know it today. In honor of Black History Month, we’re shining a light on technology pioneers—past and present.

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2022 IT Asset Recovery Trends

2022 IT Asset Recovery Trends

As businesses, communities, and governments begin the third consecutive year of a global pandemic, 2022 will create significant changes—and opportunities—for enterprise IT asset recovery and disposition programs. Two areas of significant change will include continuing remote work and accelerating corporate sustainability initiatives.

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3 Tips to Increase your IT Asset Recovery Rate

3 Tips to Increase your IT Asset Recovery Rate

An asset recovery rate is the percentage of assets recovered out of assets eligible for recovery. Three primary components drive our high IT asset recovery rates: recovery workflow and program design, enabling program visibility, and automation of manual recovery processes.

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